The way I see it, they can be trusted for statistics. But of course you have to actually know what it is they log before you decide how to interpret them.

Stating the relayadress has no meaning if it's wrong. What's the point telling me that is infected x times as I know I'm not infected but it's because I used fetchmail that mimedefang tell me something like that...

And of course that's also true for *all* forms of statistics, you have to know what data the statistics are based on before you decide how to interpret (or trust) the numbers.


-- ==================================== > Jérôme Tytgat Administrateur Réseau et Sécurité ASTERION - Impasse de la Hache CP 5911 - 44 477 CARQUEFOU CEDEX T: 02 40 300 800 - F: 02 40 25 10 74 ====================================

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