Sure; but that's not what I meant. I mean you have no *legal* standing against the end user. You can ask the other ISP nicely to do something, but you can't really force them to.

Yes, of course we depend on nice ISP :)

BTW, it's not true that we have no *legal* standing, in France, since 1990,
it's illegal to even try to scan another user, and you are responsible
for anything that go through your computer.

Sending a virus, event if you don't know anything about it, is illegal and if you
do nothing about it you could have some problem if you meet a dumb user or isp...

And since two days ago, the legislation has been even reinforced...
(badly reinforced... like US patriot act)

Most ISPs are well-behaved and will take action, but a lot of them get
so many abuse complaints that they just ignore them.

Or have robot response saying "we took actions against this user" but nothing stops...

Btw the best response I got for now was from a Belgian ISP called Skynet.
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