Chris Gauch said:
> The embedded perl interpreter definitely minimizes the memory usage by the
> MD slaves, but I don't really notice an overall improvement in total
> memory
> usage when using the embedded perl option.  All 1.5GB of RAM is still used
> up entirely, and I have the same number of min/max slaves that I used when
I went over this item a few month's ago.
It uses less memory but does not show using less memory, depending on how
ou measure memory used.

> I
> was not using the embedded perl interpreter.  I also use a RAM disk for
> the
> /var/spool/MIMEDefang directory, and have that set at 128MB.  Maybe I'm
> doing something wrong here, but I haven't found much documentation on the
> embedded perl interpreter, other than it improves throughput and reduces
> memory usage.
> Any insight would be appreciated.
What OS and version of perl are you using.
I would reccomend you use at least 5.8 if you are using the embedded perl
How many slaves do you run?
What is your mail volume?
What is your max message size you accept?

Could you add some delay to your cron jobs, so they don't all start at the
same time?
What is your maximum sendmail processes?

The embedded perl should decrease memory usage, and increase startup time
on pre-forked slaves.

I noticed signifigant memory savings on my 6 slave system.
Do you have a decent amount of memory in reserve, or are you generally
allocating all of your memory?

Luke Computer Science System Administrator
Security Administrator,College of Engineering
Montana State University-Bozeman,Montana

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