> From: Martin Blapp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Should the default mimedefang-filter have "use strict" in it, in the
default install?
> > Would that solve some problems?
> It can fix some unpropper written code which makes troubles in the
> reload szenario ...

*ALL* production Perl code should live under "use strict" - or have a very
good reason why not!
I almost wish
use strict;
was the default, and could only be turned off by a specific
no strict;
with a mandatory
# turning off stricture because (can't think of a reason right now...)

To use strict or not use strict is the subject of an ongoing religious war.
Flame me at will. :)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      805.964.4554 x902
Hispanic Business Inc./HireDiversity.com         Software Engineer
perl -e"map{y/a-z/l-za-k/;print}shift" "Jjhi pcdiwtg Ptga wprztg,"
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