On 29 Jun 2004 at 17:54, Shawn Button wrote:

> How do I set up auto-whitelisting in SA when running mimedefang? I
> uncommented the lines in my mimedefang-filter but it seems like I
> should do something to my sa-mimedefang.cf. 
> I have SA 2.63 and mimedefang 2.39

First, in the default MD/SA installs, sa-mimedefang.cf is read twice (at 
least on my system): once because it is in the default rules path for SA 
and is named *.cf, and once because MD tells SA to use it as the user-
prefs file.  I don't know if this causes problems.  It shouldn't, but one 
never knows.

Second, SA stores auto-whitelist and bayes* files in the directory 
specified by the "userstate_dir" option to the SpamAssassin constructor.  
The default is ~/.spamassassin.  Since MD does not pass this option in 
the constructor, that's where the files are stored.  Settings in sa-
mimedefang.cf seem to make no difference.  Depending on what user you run 
MD as, you can figure out which directory things end up in (usually 

To get auto-whitelisting working correctly, I had to do the following 
(note that /var/spool/SA-MIMEDefang is where I put *my* AWL and bayes* 
files...you can put them wherever you want):
1. Change the call to the SpamAssassin constructor in the
   spam_assassin_init function in mimedefang.pl:

        $SASpamTester = Mail::SpamAssassin->new({
            local_tests_only   => $SALocalTestsOnly,
            dont_copy_prefs    => 1,
            userprefs_filename => $config,
            userstate_dir      => '/var/spool/SA-MIMEDefang'});

2. Set the following in the sa-mimedefang.cf file:

   auto_learn                  1
   bayes_auto_expire           1
   bayes_learn_to_journal      1
   bayes_file_mode             0775
   bayes_path                  /var/spool/SA-MIMEDefang/bayes
   auto_whitelist_file_mode    0775
   auto_whitelist_path         /var/spool/SA-MIMEDefang/auto-whitelist

   Yes, I know that those file paths don't seem to do anything without
   the change to mimedefang.pl, but I have them there, just in case.

3. Change mimedefang-filter to uncomment the auto-whitelist stuff, like
   you did.

All of those steps were required to solve the problem for me, but they 
*do* solve the problem...AWL and bayes* works on a system-wide basis.

As one last bit of paranoia, you could do the following:

rm -fr ~defang/.spamassassin
ln -s /var/spool/SA-MIMEDefang ~defang/.spamassassin
rm -fr /root/.spamassassin
ln -s /var/spool/SA-MIMEDefang /root/.spamassassin

Jeff Rife        | "Eternity with nerds.  It's the Pasadena Star 
SPAM bait:       |  Trek convention all over again." 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      |         -- Nichelle Nichols, "Futurama" 

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