On 07/01/04 at 10:40, 'twas brillig and Matthew Schumacher scrobe:
> Ole Craig wrote:
> > 
> >     The SURBL plugin is a "network test". What's the value of
> > $SADoNetTests in your MD filter file? If it's 0 (which is the default
> > in the sample filter) then SpamAssassin won't do network tests,
> > including SURBL.
> > 
> >             Ole
> Thanks for the reply,
> Where is the documentation for this?  I don't see that var in any of the 
> filters I have nor does it return anything in google.  I thought that 
> all of the spamassassin config was in the SA config files.

        Urk. Sorry, that's a local permutation, which I've used for so
long it's second nature. The one you want is $SALocalTestsOnly, which
if set to 1 will *disable* network tests. Set it to 0 (before
calling spam_assassin_init()->compile_now(1), if you have that set in
filter_initialize) and you should be OK.

        Sorry about that,
Ole Craig * UNIX, linux, SMTP-ninja; news, web; SGI martyr * CS Computing
Facility, UMass * <www.cs.umass.edu/~olc/pgppubkey.txt> for public key

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