[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/05/2004 02:27:49 

> That doesn't work if there is more than one recipient, some valid and 
> invalid.  At the end of DATA, you can only indicate success or failure 
> the entire message and all recipients.
> Exchange does this by default; it's forced to generate NDN's for invalid
> recipients.
> Really, there needs to be an extension to SMTP that lets you return
> multiple success/failure codes after DATA (one code per recipient).

But if you return a code at the end that says [EMAIL PROTECTED] is 
invalid, but [EMAIL PROTECTED] is valid, have you really changed 
anything from when you failed it after RCPT TO? It doesn't seem that way. 
The spammers still know which addresses got through, and which ones were 
rejected and they can still clean their lists.
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