On Thu, 8 Jul 2004, alan premselaar wrote:

> > (1) Other than my forgetting to chomp are there other errors in the code
> >     that people notice.
> >
> One thing I noticed is that you are storing your file in
> /var/spool/MIMEDefang.  if you have your system configured as
> recommended with /var/spool/MIMEDefang being on a tmpfs or RAMdisk,

I haven't been following that recommendation, but I should, of course, put
the whitelist.txt file someplace else in case someday I do switch to using
a tmpsf or the like as recommended.  Thanks for pointing that out to me.

> also, although the file handle should be closed once the script exits,

Yup.  I've explicitely put in a close since posting my first message.

> if you're only going to whitelist based on senders who publish SPF, you
> should (if you haven't already) look into using Mail::SPF::Query.

I didn't make myself clear.  I am passing mail through spf-sendmail-milter
(which calls Mail::SPF::Query) before the mimedefang filter.  So anything
with an SPF fail wouldn't even reach MIMEDefang.  I realize that it would
be cleaner to not use two milters and to call Mail::SPF::Query from within
mimedefang, but I haven't seen any code samples of that and a search of
the list archives produces too much noise for me to really find things.

> if your intention is to whitelist any sender who's publishing SPF
> records, then ...

That is not my intention.  That would be a very foolish intention.  A lot
of non-forged spam is passing SPF.  What I was trying to say is that I
will only whitelist domains with appropriate SPF settings so that I can
trust $sender at this point.

> > (2) Will the whitelist file be opened anew with every incoming mail? or
> >     will it only be opened when the mutliplexor starts a slave?
> >
> the way you have it configured here, everytime filter_sender is called
> your whitelist file will be opened.
> > (3) If the answer to (2) is "every time" is there something I can to fix
> >     that while still keeping the whitelist in an external file?
> >
> you may want to consider using embedded perl.  then you could setup your
>   filehandles in filter_initialize and just reference them as approprite
> in filter_sender.

Thanks.  I will take a look at that.

> > I also have a few policy questions.
> >
> >  (4) What I'm doing will exempt whitelisted mail not only from defanging,
> >      bad extention checks and SpamAssassin, but also from virus scanning.
> >      Is that stupid?  Note that at the site in question almost all (but
> >      not all) email users are on Linux.  Of the few MS-Windows users,
> >      almost everyone (but not everyone) is using a Mozilla based MUA.
> >      (But I know that there is at least one Outhouse user still, and
> >      that is not going to change).
> Firstly,  I personally am a little uneasy with setting up whitelisting
> facilities based on fields that could potentially be exploited or
> forged.

This is why I would only whitelist domains that pass SPF.

> My policy decisions are such that I scan every piece of mail thru my
> server for viruses.  even outgoing mail that has been SMTP AUTH'd.

I think that that is wise.  I will rethink the way I've done things to
ensure that virus scanning always happens.

> I do, however, skip spam scanning from my authenticated users as i know
> my users don't send spam. YMMV

Likewise.  The consequneces of an authorized user sending spam to that
user will be a sufficient deterent.

> hope this is useful information.

Thank you, yes.

I should say that my code as posted (and as modified) doesn't seem to
work.  Everything gets treated as whitelisted.  But don't worry about
that.  I will do some more debugging, and probably restructuring.  If
after some substantial debugging, I'm still stuck, I'll ask for more help.



Jeffrey Goldberg                            http://www.goldmark.org/jeff/
 Relativism is the triumph of authority over truth, convention over justice
 Hate spam?  Boycott MCI! http://www.goldmark.org/jeff/anti-spam/mci/
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