We run spamassassin on outgoing mail so we can spot users machines that are
either compromised or are spamming for any other reason.  We track number of
messages and average score for the last hour, day and week so that we can
ignore a single message that scores high, but spot a user consistently
scoring high and generating high volume.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 3:47 PM
Subject: [Mimedefang] Disabling spam checks on outgoing email

I have configured MD and have it properly scanning email using clamav 
and spamassassign. Recently I enabled it to scan both incoming and 
outgoing emails.

I can't think of any reason why I would want to run spamassassign 
against outgoing emails. If I am wrong somebody please let me know what 
I am missing.

Therefore what I want to do is to disable the spam checks for outgoing 
mail. In the filter_end function is where the spam checks are done. Is 
there a way to determine in filter_end if the email is originating from 
my domain and to not spam check it?

I had tried a filter_relay function that would check the IP address and 
this worked but as a side effect it also disabled virus checks for 
outgoing mail as well. What I really want is to virus check incoming and 
outgoing mail while only spam checking incoming mail.

Any ideas???

Mike Campbell

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