Your domain does not have an SPF record. This means that spammers can easily send out E-mail that looks like it came from your domain, which can make your domain look bad (if the recipient thinks you really sent it), and can cost you money (when people complain to you, rather than the spammer). You may want to add an SPF record before October 1, 2004, the target date for domains to have SPF records in place. [end quote]

Have any of you heard of such a deadline?

According to a thread on the spf-discuss list, Microsoft has announced that they'll start checking SPF records at hotmail.com, msn.com, and microsoft.com on October 1, 2004. That's the only "deadline" I've heard of.

Dave O'Neill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    Roaring Penguin Software Inc.
+1 (613) 231-6599 ext. 104               http://www.roaringpenguin.com/
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