> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 11:07:23 +0100
> From: Dave Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Mimedefang] Re: outgoing mail copy
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> On Tue, 10 Aug 2004 13:42:26 +0500, Muhammad Talha wrote:
>> Dear all
>> Is it possible with mimedefang to copy outgoing mails from specific user
>> to
>> be copied to some other account.
>> is there any other solution  ??
>> Regards
>> M. Talha
> Try milter-bcc, from http://www.snert.com/Software/milter-bcc/index.shtml

You can also try synonym at milter.org.  It works quite well for me. And
since my perl skills are lacking, it kept me from butchering up my
mimedefang install.  The only thing I don't like about synonym is it
doesn't have support for rule negation yet.

Matt Pusateri

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