On 10 Aug 2004 at 9:04, Graham Dunn wrote:

> > There is no reason a backup MX server can't know if an address is valid 
> > or not.
> How about "scaling"? I'm pretty sure my ISP will run (screaming, no
> doubt), from a scenario in which they rely on their customers to keep
> their list of valid addresses current.

If your ISP allows you to have mail servers behind theirs and they are 
the "front line MX" and forward everything to you, then your ISP is 
really odd.

If, on the other hand, you just use your ISP as backup MX, *and* they 
don't run MIMEDefang, etc., then you lose a lot of the benefits of 
running MIMEDefang.

The solution my small (less than 300 employees) company chose was to 
put another Linux server *that we control* somewhere else.  We can do 
this because we have a couple of different ISPs for our different 
physical locations.

> How about "MS Exchange"? :]

How about it?  There are lots of ways you can automatically generate 
all valid e-mail addresses from an Exchange server, and get those to a 
Linux box in a way that MIMEDefang can use to verify.

We, instead, chose to educate our president and officers about the 
actual costs of Exchange, and it left the building quite 

Jeff Rife        |  
SPAM bait:       | http://www.nabs.net/Cartoons/AngryTVGod.gif 

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