David Va wrote:
> 1. how to blacklist and whitelist? I have added
> whitelist_from and blacklist_from in sa-mimedefang.cf,
> not local.cf, but it seems not taking effect after
> saving and quit. Do I have to write in local.cf too?
> 2. I've downloaded a few sa rules and put them in
> /etc/mail/spamassassin/ and what to do next in order
> to have it take effect?

Same answer for both- assuming your SA/MD is behaving like mine (ie,
like it should <g>):  You have to at least reload MD before any changes
will take effect.  You can also just wait until enough mail has passed
through that all of the MD slaves will have been restarted, but that may
take far too long on low-volume systems.

Any .cf file in /etc/mail/spamassassin should be read and used, although
a number of people have reported "It Ain't So" and provided several
workarounds.  Search the list archives for more details.

For whitelist/blacklist, you *may* want to push that back into MD itself
rather than spending processing power running SA;  note that you'll
probably need to do stream_by_recipient() (with all of the potential
system load issues that introduces) in order for this to be properly
effective.  :/

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