On Thu, 2004-08-19 at 14:26, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > The problem is still that this
> > identification is meaningless unless there is a way to limit the
> > number of them that can be generated.
> Not meaningless.  If I send an email From:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], and sign it with my PGP key, and publish
> my public PGP key via DNS at matthew-dot-van-dot-eerde.example.com, you
> can be darn sure that one of the following is true:

The kind of identification I want is to know that if you send
one spam with this signature that I will be able to recognize
all subsequent emails coming from you and reject them.  As long
as you can also send with a different signature that won't be the
case, and I don't think anyone is ready to accept any kind of
authority that could force you to only use a single identification
or be able to validate that. And if they could, what would happen
when your relationship with example.com changes?

  Les Mikesell

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