Would there be any benifit to running MIMEDefang "And" Amavis as apposed to just MIMEDefang?

I had a issue where I could not get MIMEDefang going for the life of me so I ended up going the route with Sendmail, Amavis, ClamAV, and Spam Assassinl... I took another stab and MIMEDefang and got it to work now.

So currently I'm running Sendmail, MIMEDefang, Amavis, ClamAV and SpamAssassin which is working with 2 milter lines in my Sendmail.mc file. Would there be any Benifit or harm in doing a setup this way or would you recommend to remove Amavis from the picture?

Currently MIMEDefang handles the message first then Amavis so that seems like the correct way also.


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