On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 16:35:29 -0700, Kelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Tim Boyer wrote:
>> Is there any way for the same message to be bounced, AND send a copy to
>> postmaster?  Until I get comfortable with SpamAssassin, I'd like Postmaster
>> to take a look at what's bouncing.
>Call "resend_message('[EMAIL PROTECTED]')" before action_bounce. 
>That should do it, as long as you (a) have the client queue-runner 
>active and (b) avoid running locally-generated mail through SpamAssassin.

Hmmm, either that didn't work, or (much more likely) I'm doing it

                resend_message('[EMAIL PROTECTED]');
                action_bounce("SpamAssassin has identified this email
as possible spam");
                return ();

I can see it in the logs - it's bouncing, but not sending me a copy.

>Alternatively, you can quarantine the message (using 
>quarantine_entire_message) instead of sending it to your postmaster.

But can I quarantine _and_ bounce?  

Tim Boyer

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