I just want to add a boilerplate for OUTGOING email (not incoming). I have this working (almost)....


    if ($RelayAddr =~ "^192\.168\.1" or "^127\.0\.0\.1") {
    append_text_boilerplate($entity, $boilerplate, 0);
    action_add_header('X-Disclaimer-Added', "YES");


This is not working for email that the relay=localhost  []
but what I do see is the 'add_header' part works for localhost email...

Can someone tell me what I did wrong? - why one part is added and the other is not? -if mail is submitted to MD from a different machine on the same LAN, the boilerplate and the add_header both work. It is only localhost generated email that is acting up...

thanks in advance!

J.D. Bronson
Aurora Health Care // Information Services // Milwaukee, WI USA
Office: 414.978.8282 // Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] // Pager: 414.314.8282

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