OK, this what I have came up with so far,.
1. Check for anybody claims to be from mydomain.com in the HELO Line
2. Check for RCPT TO anyone in mydomain.com
3. $helo doesn't match $ip

# %PROCEDURE: filter_recipient
#  Check whether HELO claims to be from internal domain and reverse DNS
#       lookup doesn't check
sub filter_sender {
        my ($sender, $ip, $hostname, $helo) = @_;
        return('CONTINUE', "OK") if ($ip eq "");
        if ($helo =~ /mydomain\.com$/i) {
                return ('REJECT', "We Don't Like Spammers, Go Away!!!.");
        elsif ($ip ne $helo){
                return ('REJECT', "You are not who you say you are.")
        else {
                return ('CONTINUE',"OK");

# %PROCEDURE: filter_recipient
#  Check whether MAIL FROM claims to be from internal domain
sub filter_recipient {
        my ($recipient, $sender, $ip, $hostname, $first, $helo,
                $rcpt_mailer, $rcpt_host, $rcpt_addr) = @_;
                if ($sender =~ /[EMAIL PROTECTED]>?$/i) {
                        return ('REJECT', "Service Not Available.");
                return ('CONTINUE',"ok");

I'm just concerned about the reverse dns lookup would reject too many
legit emails.

Many Thanks,

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