On Fri, 29 Oct 2004, David F. Skoll wrote:

> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 21:41:44 -0400 (EDT)
> From: David F. Skoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Mimedefang] filter_relay
> On Fri, 29 Oct 2004, David Hiebert wrote:
> > My second question/problem is the 3 commented out lines.  The man page for
> > mimedefang-filter indicates that if an IP has no reverse dns, then
> > $hostname is a duplicate of $hostip.  This then should make a real quick
> > and easy check for no reverse, however the if statement (when not
> > commented) never seems to be true.
> My mistake, the man page is wrong.  If $hostip is and has no
> reverse DNS lookup, then $hostname is [].  That is:
>       if ($hostname eq "[$hostip]") {
>               # You have no reverse DNS!!!!
>       }
> However, I question the wisdom of rejecting mail from machines with no
> reverse DNS.  I'm not convinced it will block bad mail more often than
> good.
> --
> David.
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I appreciate your response, and agree with your opinion in part.  I
believe that it will block some legitimate mail, however larger ISP's are
already blocking based on this rule, which essentially forces smaller
ISP's with poorly configured DNS to get their act together.

I was more concerned with the first problem/question though.  No matter
how I format the return('REJECT'), the $msg isn't passed to sendmail.
Also, upon further testing, the $smtp_dsn, and $code are not passed
either, however the $delay is being passed.  Any ideas, or any more
information that I can provide to assist?

David Hiebert
Keyway Internet Services

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