On 4 Nov 2004 at 19:39, Tory Blue wrote:

>                                                       What I need is
> something that will do a dictionary look up and if the  email contains more
> then 2 mispelled words in the subject it's bounced. That's not efficient,
> but how else are you going to stop all the V!Agra, M0r tgage and other types
> of spam?!

The "tripwire" ruleset is designed to look for odd letter triples 
(based on their occurance in a standard dictionary).  You could do 
something similar because "[a-z][#%!][a-z]" is *very* rare in a subject 
(case insensitive, of course).  Just create a rule with all the special 
characters (I'm too tired to figure out which ones need escaping), and 
set up the rule so that it can fire multiple times.

Jeff Rife        |  
SPAM bait:       | 

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