On Fri, 5 Nov 2004 07:11:23 +0000, Rob MacGregor

>On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 18:45:17 -0500, Tim Boyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm using RH Enterprise, Sendmail Switch, MimeDefang 2.44 and
>> SpamAssassin 3.0.1.  Somewhere in there a very few html messages are
>> having their content type changed to text/plain, and an
>> 'Original-Content-Type' line inserted, like so:
>I'd say the most likely is MIMEDefang (and the least likely Sendmail).
> It depends however on what's in your mimedefang-filter...
>Also, are you 100% sure that they're not arriving at you like that?

I've got nothing in mimedefang-filter that's rewriting that, and I'm
sure they're arriving like that - only because I did some rudimentary
debugging of my own in mimedefang-filter:

    if ($type eq "text/html") {
         md_graphdefang_log('html', $Subject, $RelayAddr);

so I can see where it came in as html:

Nov  4 16:12:09 melbourne2 mimedefang.pl[23152]:
MDLOG,iA4LC9H5007402,html,Rubber & Plastics News E-mail for November

So it's getting here as html, but _something_ is changing it.

Tim Boyer

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