----- Excerpt from Original Message ----- From: "Yang Xiao" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I took a rough look at the script, I wonder how should I modify it to
work with our AD LDAP, something like this?

our $filter  ="(&(proxyAddresses=smtp:$recipient))")

the reason being we have 2 domains and each user are allowed two forms
of email address in each domain, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and they are stored in the proxyAddresses.


I'll bow out of the MD / Amavis / Sendmail questions as that's not related
to the access generation and looks too complex to solve via email but the
default query in adexport.pl will pull out all smtp addresses that are valid
on a AD (Windows 2000) server

Let's say your AD server is at, your AD Domain is
yourdomain.com (not necessarily relevant to your internet domain) change the
adexport.pl constants to something like:

our $bind    = 'cn=administrator,cn=users,dc=yourdomain,dc=com';  # AD
our $passwd  = 'your admin password';                                 # AD
our $base    = 'dc=yourdomain,dc=com';                           # Start
from root
our @servers = qw( );
our $filter  = '(|(objectClass=publicFolder)(&(sAMAccountName=*)(mail=*)))';

Get it to work using your administrator account and then tighten up the
script to use the lowest permission account you can that can read the AD.

If you are using what I will refer to as a "real" LDAP server rather than
Windows 2000 Server, you are on your own.  I've typically implemented this
as a method to extend valid exchange email address to the edge of the
network.  I know with Exchange 2003, you can configure it to use MD's check
against SMTP feature but I would still use this technique as it is pure
sendmail and very fast.


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