[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 12/09/2004 12:15:03 

> If you would like to test particular addresses that give false positives
> on the connection attempts, check out this site: http://rbls.org/

Thanks for this link! I have been using sbl.spamhaus.org and 
bl.spamcop.net.  Alll of the hosts that I have spot checked on this site 
have been on both lists.
> My advise, don't use block.blars.org this site seems to be run by a 
> who beleives email should be held hostage through extortion. Practically
> every IP I've tested comes up positive on his RBL. And at $1000 a pop to
> have an IP removed, I highly doubt he qualifies as a reliable source...

I remember stumbling accross this site once before.  I remember because 
the picture of him reminded me of a former landlord.  Landlord was also 
into many of the same interests as this guy. 

One of the school districts I support at work ended up on his list and 
someone they were trying to send mail to was using it.  I told the 
district to contact the mail admin at the other domain and advise them as 
long as he was using block.blars.org, they would never get email from the 
district.  I never did hear back on the status of that incident.

To everyone else that wrote with suggestions:  Thank you for the 
suggestions.  For now, I have implemented SpamCop and Spamhaus' SBL.
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