> From: "Kevin A. McGrail" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Mimedefang] MIMEdefang on CPAN? or in RPM form?
> Personally, I'm also starting to agree that some elitism is necessary and
> making installation too easy is a bad thing.  Having a few hurdles to make
> people install MD sorts out the weaker system admins from the herd so we
> don't have to listen to "what's perl"?
> Regards,

Not sure whether to laugh at this sarcastically, or to take it seriously?

The problem with elitism, is that the "weaker sysadmins" will simply give
up and leave their systems running in an insecure manner. Hence the reason
I get spammed by Grandma's computer in Bangladesh. Grandma, just doesn't
care. Notice M$ shipped the firewall turned on in SP2? There's a reason
for that. No, obscuring security related products with complicated or
confusing setups for the benefit of the elitists is a very very bad idea.
Documenting implications of potentially dangerous configurations is a good

The MIMEDefang How-to is well written and possibly lacks a few features
(STARTTLS) that I'd like to see in it, but overall, it really makes light
work of installing MIMEDefang. Much hearted thanks for the maintainer(s)
that put that together.

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