This is a re-post... I forgot to add the output of "

MIMEDefang version 2.49

Archive::Zip                  : yes
File::Scan                    : yes
HTML::Parser                  : yes
HTML::TokeParser              : yes
HTMLCleaner                   : yes
Net::DNS                      : yes
Path:CONFDIR                  : yes (/etc/mail)
Path:QUARANTINEDIR            : yes (/var/spool/MD-Quarantine)
Path:SENDMAIL                 : yes (/usr/sbin/sendmail)
Path:SPOOLDIR                 : yes (/var/spool/MIMEDefang)
SpamAssassin                  : yes
Unix::Syslog                  : yes
Virus:FileScan                : yes
Virus:VEXIRA                  : yes (/usr/bin/vexira)
Virus:AVP                     : no
Virus:AVP5                    : no
Virus:BDC                     : no
Virus:CLAMAV                  : no
Virus:CLAMD                   : no
Virus:CSAV                    : no
Virus:FPROT                   : no
Virus:FPROTD                  : no
Virus:FSAV                    : no
Virus:HBEDV                   : no
Virus:NAI                     : no
Virus:NVCC                    : no
Virus:OpenAV                  : no
Virus:SOPHIE                  : no
Virus:SOPHOS                  : no
Virus:SymantecCSS             : no
Virus:TREND                   : no
Virus:TROPHIE                 : no

Anomy::HTMLCleaner            : Version 1.21
Archive::Zip                  : Version 1.09
Digest::SHA1                  : Version 2.10
File::Scan                    : Version 1.39
HTML::Parser                  : Version 3.31
HTML::TokeParser              : Version 2.24
IO::Socket                    : Version 1.27
IO::Stringy                   : Version 2.108 
MIME::Base64                  : Version 3.03
MIME::Tools                   : Version 5.417
MIME::Words                   : Version 5.417
Mail::Mailer                  : Version 1.60
Mail::SpamAssassin            : Version 3.000002
Net::DNS                      : Version 0.47
Unix::Syslog                  : Version 0.100

-----Original Message-----
From: Cormack, Ken 
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 4:30 PM
To: ''
Subject: "Cant open tmpfile" error


For some unknown reason, one of my two MIMEDefang gateways has started
dumping the following into my logs...

Feb  3 16:16:09 mail02 mimedefang-multiplexor[574]: Slave 3 stderr:
MIME::Parser: can't open tmpfile: Invalid argument
Feb  3 16:16:09 mail02 mimedefang-multiplexor[574]: Slave 3 died prematurely
-- check your filter rules
Feb  3 16:16:09 mail02 mimedefang-multiplexor[574]: Reap: Idle slave 3 (pid
9587) exited normally with status 22 (SLAVE DIED UNEXPECTEDLY)

The box in question happens to be my secondary MX host (MX weight of 20, in
DNS).  It is also the "FALLBACK_MX_HOST" for my primary MX host.  Other than
those differences, the systems are identical in their configuration.

" -features" reports the same versions of all relevant perl
modules, on both systems, as follows...

I'm using the embedded perl mode on both machines (and have been for

I've double-checked disk space (both for blocks free and free inodes) on the
/var/spool/MIMEDefang RAMdisk, and even ran without the RAMdisk.... It made
no difference4.

I'm stumped, in that the two servers are the same, and both have been
running fine for months.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to where I should start looking for the

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