David + list,

Just like to add my $0.02AU (I know, not very much indeed!).

I'm currently using File::Scan on three MD installations, and have not had a
reported false positive, but as the majority of respondants have said, I
don't monitor closely exactly _what_ is getting rejected due to virii (I
don't think anybody has that much time!).  I'd be interested in hearing
about what it has been detecting as FP's though.

I only use File::Scan on these sites for MD and mail scanning, but would not
object to manually having to enable it via the $Features; however I would
suggest that this is heavily faq'd and man'd, as the list will no-doubt be
bombarded with questions like "I upgraded MD and File::Scan is no-longer
working!", or similar!

Also, I'd like to echo my appreciation for the time you put in to a
marvelous product, if you are ever in the land down under (Oz), look me up,
i'll buy you a beer (or two, three....)


> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2005 21:46:57 -0500 (EST)
> From: "David F. Skoll" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Mimedefang] Anyone using File::Scan?
> To: mimedefang@lists.roaringpenguin.com
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> Hi,
> Does anyone use File::Scan with MIMEDefang?  It seems to cause a lot
> of problems with false positives.
> For the next release, I'm considering removing the auto-detection
> of File::Scan.  In other words, if you want File::Scan, you'll have to
> specifically ask for it in your filter.
> Any objections to this change?
> Regards,
> David.

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