Lisa Casey wrote:

Sigh, no I think it's probably me that doesn't understand. Mimedefang is runing as a milter under Sendmail. I don't start mimedefang using /etc/init.d/mimedefang, I start it using /etc/init.d/sendmail. This script starts Sendmail and Mimedefang. When I installed mimedefang 2.48 I modified /etc/init.d/sendmail as my directions said to do. In /etc/init.d/sendmail there is:

# Start daemons.

       /etc/init.d/mimedefang start

Are you saying I should modify that to read /etc/init.d/mimedefang -U defang start

Well, personally, I would find that to set bad precedence as if anything changes with sendmail - the /etc/init.d/sendmail file would change. You really want to start mimedefang before sendmail. You're running it the same way I am - but I'm keeping the processes separate... which everyone here will probably say is a good idea...

Divide and conquer. Works in wars and Unix. ;)

So split them back apart. Figure out which runlevel you want mimedefang to start in (which can be summed up as, any runlevel that has an S##sendmail) and put in a link to /etc/init.d/mimedefang to those rc.X dirs with an S##mimedefang AND MAKE SURE THAT THE ## is one less than sendmail. (it's that easy)

then go back and check your mimedefang script and make sure it's the way you want. ;)


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