We have a server that has Mailman running on it for close to 80 lists, and, on that same server, we have our sendmail+mimedefang+File::Scan+Anomy mail server. Mailman sends its mail out locally to the sendmail server (not utilizing VERP as that caused us a world of other problems in the past), and mimedefang seems to be analyzing the messages as they go out (not what was originally intended).

Quite suddenly, emails FROM the mailman server were not going out. After a frazzling hour, it was discovered that a section of code in the mimedefang filter was causing the problem, although the piece of code was in place for well over a month. Commenting it out and restarting mimedefang allowed the mailman mail to be sent out.

The code was:
  if (stream_by_recipient())

Sendmail was logging the following when a message was sent to our test list:
Apr 26 15:00:27 ourserver sendmail[11884]: j3QJ0FmI011884: from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, size=1964, class=-30, nrcpts=5, msgid=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA, relay=localhost.localdomain []
Apr 26 15:00:29 ourserver mimedefang.pl[11378]: j3QJ0FmJ011884: streamed by domain or recipient and resent.
Apr 26 15:00:29 ourserver mimedefang[11362]: j3QJ0FmJ011884: Discarding because filter instructed us to
Apr 26 15:00:29 ourserver sendmail[11884]: j3QJ0FmJ011884: Milter: data, discard
Apr 26 15:00:29 ourserver sendmail[11884]: j3QJ0FmJ011884: discarded

Now, we've disabled stream_by_recipient, but it's global. We would prefer to keep the stream_by_recipient() call in there (the server can handle it) for other purposes. What would be the best way, in filter_begin(), to utilize stream_by_recipient() for messages only coming from external hosts (in other words, to utilize stream_by_recipient() on all emails EXCEPT localhost)?


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