Joseph Brennan wrote:
If mail comes from a host we trust, or comes with smtp auth, we don't
run the Spamassassin tests.

We do RBL with Mimedefang, not Spamassassin.

whitelist_from_rcvd definitely works.

It looks like this rule is there to un-do damage from running standalone
Spamassassin on all mail.  If you use Mimedefang to select what to test,
you've already excluded mail you trust.

The "trust" in trusted_networks isn't just about whether you trust the *source* of a message, it's about which hosts you trust to provide accurate Received: headers.

In theory, an incorrect trust path can cause problems for any rule that acts on those headers.

By all means, if you've verified that the trust path is set correctly and ALL_TRUSTED still misfires, disable it. I'm just trying to point out -- to *anyone* experiencing this issue, not just you, and not just Kevin -- that the trust path is important for more than just that one rule.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications <>
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