
i've made a little addition to the filter_begin code
in the mimedefang-filter script


background: lets say i provide a free webmail service
and i use mimedefang + spamassassin to scan outgoing

problem: people who are sending mails to hotmal.com
instade of hotmail.com or to yahooo.com instade of
yahoo.com, those mails just stay in sendmail queue for
days and everytime the queue runner runs the queue
those mails hold him back.. it tries to connect to
things that doesn't exists and doesn't have a mx

my solution: to check for mx record of all recipiants
and to delete recipiants that don't have an existing
mx record


sub filter_begin() {
foreach $recip (@Recipients) {
   if ($recip =~ /\<.+\@(.+)\>/) {
      $domain = $1;
      @mx = mx($domain);
      unless (@mx) { delete_recipient($recip); }


i was  wondering if there are maybe possible problems
you see with this solution, or maybe better ways to
solve the prolem (maybe on the sendmail level?)

anyways, this works great for me, solved some
unneccecery delays :)

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