Somehow, Perl was still at 5.6.1 but perl was looking in 5.8.4 for
modules! Once I fixed that (easiest way I found was to create a
symbolic link between 5.6.1 and 5.8.4), it failed on HTML/ I
got it from the web (why though, it was running find before the
upgrade) and installed it. Works ok now. I'll let him (the Unix admin)
deals with the root of the problem.

You're right. Looking through dselect, MimeDefang and SpamAssassin
where installed manually and now through Debian packages.

2005/6/17, Kelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Sylvain Gagnon wrote:
> > Looking at the /var/log/mail.log file, I see the following:
> >
> > Can't locate object method "new" via package "Mail::SpamAssassin" at
> > /usr/local/bin/ line 6085. Compilation failed in require
> > at /usr/local/bin/ line 4836
> If Debian 3.1 installs a new version of Perl, I would guess that's the
> issue.  Mail::SpamAssassin is probably installed on the old Perl.  Since
> Debian has a policy of not updating major versions of packages on
> "stable" releases, I would guess that SA is probably installed from
> source rather than through APT.
> Bottom line: you probably need to reinistall Mail::SpamAssassin
> (preferably through the same mechanism it was last installed by, be it
> apt-get, CPAN, or source).
> Real bottom line: ask your sysadmin not to do major upgrades just before
> leaving!  (Despite the version numbering, Debian 3.0 to 3.1 is a major
> upgrade.  I seriously expected it to be Debian 4.0.)
> --
> Kelson Vibber
> SpeedGate Communications <>
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