John Scully wrote:
> We handle this a little differently.  Instead of relying on "the lowest
> threshold" to determine how to han dle all recipients we pull the users
> settings during the recipient check in filter_recipient, and write them to
> our own file called RECIPIENT_SETTING in the working directory of the
> message (this is very fast since we have the MD dir on ramdisk).
> This includes exploding any multiple mailbox aliases into their individual
> users and saving those settings.
> In filter end, after scoring the message we loop through the
> recipient_settings file and based on the relative score and the per-user
> setting to mark, file or discard spam we use add_recipient and
> delete_recipient to make the changes.
> End result is that each user's message is handles based on their own
> settings for threshold and disposition, without the additional overhead of
> stream_by_recipient.
> John

John, that is a very interesting way to do it, it solves the issue with
each user getting their own settings, but the error reporting is a
little odd since people sending email marked as spam will not get
notified that their message was not delivered.

Have you noticed that to be a problem or do you send a bounce message to
those senders?


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