1. Updating the original rule required restarting sendmail with a kill
-HUP, in order to re-load the array of subjects. Whereas, like access.db,
the database can be rebuilt on-the-fly with no sendmail restart needed.
That should be fixable. Why can't you do something like:
ifdef(`DATABASE_MAP_TYPE', `', `define(`DATABASE_MAP_TYPE', `hash')')
Koksubj ifelse(defn(`_ARG_'), `',
`DATABASE_MAP_TYPE -a<OK> /etc/mail/whatever',
I'm pretty sure that's the key lines that define a db hash that is
updateable on the fly.
2. In the old rule, the entire array populated from the file would
remain memory resident, and would get bigger in memory and slow to scan
through, as the file got bigger over time.
From memory, your new code is doing a tie on the db file. It should use a
similar amount of memory, no?
3. Perl is a lot easier to read than sendmail syntax - far more people
know it and can support it, than sendmail syntax.
No argument there but I typically write emails like:
$@ $1 $@ $&t $<?> $: R$* +
In fact, if I ever snap, I will be known as the "Sendmail Killer" and I'll
write all my letters to newspappers with this syntax. I probably should
give some props to DFS so maybe I'll give hints to the police to filter the
emails with MIMEDefang. Perhaps we can get DJB to play a protagonist and
solve the riddles using qMail.
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