On Wed, 3 Aug 2005 11:35:38 -0700, Josh Graham wrote

> Anyone know a command to output the versions of perl modules installed?

I added that to the wiki a long time ago:


Run a mimedefang.pl -features and see if you are missing any prerequisites.. 

Are you running embedded perl? if so disable that and retest.

To add the -l flag to the init script, you can do this (although it woudl be
better to add the option to a sysconfig file, but I dont know if debian uises

open your init-script.. lookk for the line like:
daemon $PROGDIR/$prog-multiplexor -p /var/spool/MIMEDefang/$prog-multipl.....

and add the -l so it now reads like:
daemon $PROGDIR/$prog-multiplexor -l -p /var/spool/MIMEDefang/$prog-multipl

You might also want to check out the Optimizing MD page on the wiki:

To help explain what those milter arguments are, you might need to change from
the defaults based on your servers load and mail traffic.


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