Hi list..

I've just resubscribed to the list for just this thread so forgive me for jumping in with my own issue here..

I applied the patch the other day using the debian package of ytnef (cuz i'm lame and prefer to use apt-get wherever possible :)

Tested it a bit and it seemed fine but all sorts of things went awry the next day - attachments went missing, and/or turned up on the wrong email messages! I was totally confused as to what might be going on until one user rang me and said the person sitting next to her sent her an email and it collected someone else's attachment on the way. Ooops, said i, and rapidly put back the backup of mimedefang- filter.

Upon further reflection i think my problem might be the line calling ytnef - perhaps stupidly i just altered the path, but didn't think about the calling parameters so it says

@new_files = `/usr/bin/ytnef -f Work $path`;

now if i'm reading ytnef help output correctly, i think that should be

@new_files = `/usr/bin/ytnef -f . $path`;

can someone confirm/deny this for me before i go and mess things up again? :)



PS oh for a properly funded IT department with a test/devel environment... :-( PPS oh for users that don't insist that outlook is the best email client and they won't use anything else ;-)

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