On Jan 28,  5:44am, Rolf wrote:
} > The supplied filter is just an example.  MIMEDefang
} > admins are expected to modify it to suit local requirements.  But if
} > you know Perl, it shouldn't take you more than a minute to make the 
} > changes
} Yes, I only know basic perl, but given the supplied filter is so 
} suitable out-of-the-box and is perfectly easy to understand, I have 
} been able to modify it variously thus far.
} I only asked in the first place in the hope that there was some 
} non-obvious way to get a specific, I would have thought common, 
} behaviour (mail travelling from the internet to the LAN is treated 
} differently from mail in the opposite direction).

     You have to keep in mind that milters (including MIMEDefang) are
intimately connected with sendmail and that sendmail is a Mail TRANSFER
Agent.  In other words, all sendmail does is move mail from one place
to another.  As far as sendmail is concerned every piece of mail comes
into it, gets processed, and goes out again.  There is no "inbound" or
"outbound".  These are distinctions that are attached to messages by
system admins.  There is no easy way for sendmail to distinguish one
from the other since the rules for distinguishing them are site

}-- End of excerpt from Rolf
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