Also, this case
is rapidly falling out of favor.  In fact, ibase.com has fixed that somewhat.

I'm worried in particular about the novice Exchange admin who has misconfigured 
his Active Directory DNS records.

WOW what a weird set of records...

Definitely a novice admin... most likely MCSE certified. ;)

Seriously, we see this and wonder why when the IT world underpays for real talent like it does?

The dichotomy is: "It's windows, it's so easy to use because it's graphical and your secretary likes it" while also saying you need an MCSE to really know how to use windows cause apparently it's that complex....

Well which is it Mr. Gates? Complex or easy? ;)

So what the employer doesn't understand is that the concepts are hard, no matter what OS you're running it on - thus, you can't scale pay like your secretary could run your network services.

I love metaphors:

It's like building an F16 by microsoft, putting a novice pilot in it and saying "it'll be ok - they'll do fine - there's only one big pretty red button in the cockpit labeled *kill bad guys*"

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