Is anyone else seeing extremely high traffic levels today?  I've got two 
servers running CanIt Pro that are usually sucking their thumbs for lack 
of work and they;re getting hammered.  I haven't gotten much from the 
lists I'm on, so I checked the list archives at RP, and not much activity 
on either the MimeDefang or CanIt lists.

The list archives at L-Soft (publisher of ListServ) are very quiet today 
for two lists there I subscribe to.  I also check the achrives for 2 lists 
on and found little activity.

Anyone else seeing the same thing?


"Solving the spam problem is like curing cancer. It's not one disease but 
100 diseases, each with their own issues."  -- John Levine co-chairman of 
the independent Antispam Research Group, part of the Internet Engineering 
Task Force.

William Brown
Web Development & Messaging Services
Technology Services, WNYRIC, Erie 1 BOCES

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