David F. Skoll wrote:
Fernando Gleiser wrote:

It worked flawlessly until the last version of sober hit it a couple of
days ago. Since then that piece of cr*p is hitting it with bursts
where the server gets 60+ mails in less than 10seconds, so MD runs out
of slaves.

You might want to set the ConnectionRateThrottle parameter in Sendmail
(confCONNECTION_RATE_THROTTLE in sendmail.mc) quite low, like to around 3.
That delays connections if more than 3/second come in.

For 40+ mail accounts? Set it to 1. Way more than enough. He probably receives at most several emails per minute (if that much).

Also. Set number of slaves to something hardware can handle. Worst case is, some email will get delayed when he gets hit. Usually, not really a big deal. Make sure virus scanner runs first (ClamAV is usually light weight enough not to kill machine), and that no filtering is done if virus is detected (like it is done in default MD configuration). No point in running SpamAssassin on something that is going to be rejected anyhow...
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