
Apologies - I seemed to have stirred up a hornets nest :)

I've taken this up with our legal dept - I agree some of the points
are a bit crazy and should be looked at. Corporate worlds - you gotta
love them!

Hopefully there shouldnt be any weird disclaimer from my gmail account.


  -----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
David F. Skoll
 Sent: 11 December 2005 05:36 PM
 To: mimedefang@lists.roaringpenguin.com
 Subject: Even sillier disclaimers (was Re: [Mimedefang] defang
startup errors)

So I actually read http://www.metropolitan.co.za/email_disclaimer.html

Among other things:

Article 2 prohibits copying of the e-mail.  That means it can't be

archived.  It can't even be downloaded from a POP3 server and left on

the server -- that's copying.

Article 3 warns of civil liability if the e-mail is copied.

Article 14 says Metropolitan's disclaimer trumps anyone else's.

Article 15 says that the laws of South Africa govern the interpretation

of the disclaimer.


I know that disclaimers are silly, but that one's downright fascist.  I'm

going to have to take a hard line and ban people from posting on this

list if they append such ridiculous disclaimers.  The list is archived, so

the disclaimer is inherently violated, and I certainly don't want to accept

any responsibility for breaking someone's disclaimer.

So I'm putting people on notice:  Find a way to turn off fascist disclaimers,

or I'm unsubscribing you.  I don't have the resources to react if some crazy

lawyer decides to try enforcing terms of an e-mail disclaimer.

I'm also going to change the wording on the subscription page to state that

posting to the MIMEDefang list means that any disclaimers or restrictions on

your posting are null and void.



NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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