Brian Leyton wrote:
I think it might require a bit of prep work to make this a bit less
noticeable.  The recommendation of building a whitelist ahead of time looks
like a very good idea, particularly for the main companies that we
correspond with.  How would you recommend going about this?  I'm thinking
that if I parse my logs for a week or two, I could come up with a list of IP
addresses for various servers we'd want to whitelist - would you list just
that server, or the whole /24?

Actually, you may just be able to use the greylist code. In my case, I put the greylist code into production but commented out the actual tempfail call. I let it run like that for about 2 weeks, during which time it is building up entries in mysql. After the two weeks, I put the tempfail call into place, but all of my customer's main email partners had already cleared the greylist during the 2 weeks. This won't produce a true whitelist, but it will dramatically reduce the impact when you turn greylisting on.

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