I am just making a genuine effort to get some help.

I got the message.......

This is a last mail from me :)

--- Rob MacGregor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 16/12/05, bablu bablu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Pl. help me I am not much of script writer....
> You've obviously not caught the subtle hint.
> Generally, people on this list view these
> disclaimers in a less than
> positive light.  You're not going to get much help
> beyond the pointers
> you've already received.
> Heck, look at the bottom of every recent posting to
> get an idea of
> David's view on them :)
> --
>                  Please keep list traffic on the
> list.
> Rob MacGregor
>       Whoever fights monsters should see to it that
> in the process he
>         doesn't become a monster.                 
> Friedrich Nietzsche
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