Lisa Casey wrote:

I think moving /var/spool/MIMEDefang onto a RAMdisk is a good idea. I've not set up a RAMdisk before, but I've done some googling and think I can get it done.

Question: I have 512 MG RAM on the system. Say I decrease MX_MAXIMUM to 15, how big should I make the RAMdisk?

Well, if you're doing enough traffic, you should make the ramdisk at least as 
big as the max number of
MD children you'd like to run.. (I'd prolly shoot for 50% over that even.)

think of it this way:

How many children do you want to run? 20? ok. Let's say each one
takes 10MB (look your system - some people have mentioned numbers here already).

That's now 200MB you need for ramdisk space. I would go a little over that for 
filesystem requirements
and such..
When it's all done, my guess is that you'll most likely want to put more memory 
in your machine.

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