On Tue, 2006-03-14 at 11:48, David F. Skoll wrote:

> This is a horrible, ugly hack.  I do NOT recommend it.  Basically,
> what it does is submit all incoming mail to the clientmqueue for re-scanning.
> This simulates mailscanner, but will cause mail delays (even though initial
> submission will be quick.)
> A better, though still ugly, solution is to change the if clause to
> something like:
>     if ($RealRelayAddr =~ /^192\.168\.1\./) { ... }
> where the regexp matches IP addresses from which you expect senders to
> connect directly with their MUAs.
> That way, you only do the nasty hack for people connecting with MUAs, and
> use normal "real-time" processing for everyone else.

I have inside/outside servers with most MUA submission to the
inside and MimeDefang running only on the outside which
mostly avoids the problem.  However I still skip the slow checks
on mail coming from the inside.  Someone posted a
relayIsTrusted() function a while back on the mail list.
I use that to skip all but the virus check which would
probably be fast enough even if the MUAs submitted directly
to that server.

  Les Mikesell

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