[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 04/07/2006 11:13:12 

> All,
> Is there a way to change the port number that sendmail's dnsbl and 
> features use?  I run a local rbldnsd server and rsync some blacklists. I 

> want to know which list rejected an IP, so cant just have one 
> FEATURE(`dnsbl') in sendmail.mc.
> Rather than having to bind a separate IP address to the rbldnsd server 
> every list, i'd rather just have rbldnsd listen on a differet port for 
> each list.  Anyone doing this?  thanks for any ideas...

Are you going to log and/or add to each message's header or will you be 
checking it manually  if there is a question?  If the latter, use 
something like the spam database lookup at http://dnsstuff.com
NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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