On Apr 20, 2006, at 9:49, David F. Skoll wrote:

The ones who use "legitimate" mail relays will get past greylisting
and greet_pause.  The more sophisticated ones *DO* have essentially
unlimited resources. So, some recipients throttle one of my zombie computers to sending an e-mail every 5 seconds. No problem; just add 1,000 more zombies
and I can send an e-mail every 5 milliseconds.

Except that the more they flex their zombies, the more attention it draws to the zombie's real owner that something is wrong with their computer and needs to be fixed. They don't have an unlimited number of zombies, and the individual zombies themselves have finite capacity (of which the spammer can only utilize a fraction).

Plus, a huge percentage of the machines that show up in my logs for "got whacked by greet_pause" are the very sorts of dynamic addresses you'd expect to see with a zombie ... not the unsophisticated channels you mention. If the sophisticated spammers aren't vulnerable to things like greet_pause, why are they still getting caught by the greet_pause?

Last, I don't worry about them hitting my machines with 10's or 100's of connections per zombie (parallelizing their attempts within a given zombie). For non-trusted mail relays, I limit the number of connections to 2.

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