On 1 May 2006 at 17:51, Richard Laager wrote:

> Since we do reject on it, I can't say how efficient it is compared to
> other tests. From a quick log search, I see this test rejects about
> 38,000 messages per week, after things like RBLs and HELO checks (which
> block about 15,74,000 messages per week.)
> In general, my philosophy is that anything which can prevent a
> SpamAssassin run is good. Running SA on a message is very CPU intensive
> and involves lots of network queries as well.

Agreed.  I'd have to go back and check how many of these required SA to 
cause a reject.  ISTR that greylisting and HELO checks got all but a 

Jeff Rife | "There was a guy that was killed just like this 
          |  over in Jersey." 
          | "Yeah, but I figure, 'What the hell, 
          |  that's Jersey.'" 
          |         -- "Highlander" 

NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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