On Wed, 3 May 2006, Jeff Rife wrote:

If my ISP mail server allowed me to use my domain as a return address
in e-mail that is passed through it, this would be a good solution.  It
doesn't, and neither do most ISPs.  So, you'll never get my e-mail, but

Well, guys, I have to apologise for starting this thread :|

But this is my problem, too - and the problem of many others in my local area:

+ The (mail) providers either:
1) don't allow SMTP/POP/IMAP, but web only, or
2) mangle the From header (well, one even placed the telephone number there until recently!!), or
3) charge non-slight fees for the proper amount of virtual mail addresses.

+ Changing ISP seems to be easy out there, but I faced lots of problems in this field, because there are many companies selling _exactly_ the same product, perhaps add this or that service.

+ Also, the bandwidth of non-large, non-monopolistic ISP is often limited.

+ Webhoster for "a slight fee" have some dumb POP3 mail boxes, but no mail relay feature.

BTW: I'm not speaking about my corporate mail access (as someone traced ux-2s11.inf.fh...), but my personal mail; which is not to go through the company.

Right today, I'm faced with the problem that the telephone company hosting the physical "last mile" to my new home I moved in last week claims that the approx. 8 years old cable is not capable for ISDN nor DSL, although they happily accepted the request to provide me both before we moved. There is no internet via radio communication (as I was told is standard in the USA and Israel), there is no internet via TV cable, no powerline. I'm really surprised to find that I would be able to have the internet via mobile phone (UMTS).

I know I should go out there and find some provider to host my services, but I'm really on edge about the "slight fee" these companies collect, compared to the services, the way how to access these boxes (most often via Web??).

Finally, I have the same right to express my personal view on the term "to reject mail from non-static IP addresses" as other ones have to right to express their personal view to do so on their servers.


Steffen Kaiser
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