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This email is to inform you about the release of version '3.1.2' of 'Apache
SpamAssassin' through All URLs and other useful information
can be found at

The changes in this release are as follows:
DKIM support was added. Razor2 support was re-enabled by default. A
Perl bug which caused intermittent taint-related crashes was worked
around. Lots of other minor bugs were fixed.
Release focus:
6 - Minor bugfixes
Project added:
Tue, May 22nd 2001 10:22 (5 years, 0 months ago)

Project description:
Apache SpamAssassin is an extensible email filter that is used to
identify spam. Once identified, the mail can then be optionally
tagged as spam for later filtering. It provides a command line tool
to perform filtering, a client-server system to filter large volumes
of mail, and Mail::SpamAssassin, a set of Perl modules allowing
Apache SpamAssassin to be used in a wide variety of email systems.
Trove categories:
[Development Status  ] 5 - Production/Stable
[Environment         ] Console (Text Based), No Input/Output (Daemon)
[Intended Audience   ] Developers, End Users/Desktop, System
[License             ] The Apache License 2.0
[Operating System    ] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Perl
[Topic               ] Communications :: Email :: Filters, Software
Development :: Libraries :: Perl Modules
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categories you're subscribed to in the right column, which you may cancel
by highlighting the project or category in question and clicking the
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