"David F. Skoll" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> How can I just ignore all the sub funcs in mimedefang-filter or make
>> them return immediately and get on to the `fiter_end' function where
>> I can hopefully insert some simple code to create and deposit a copy.
> Use the following four-line filter file:
> # ---- CUT HERE ----
> sub filter_end {
>     add_recipient('[EMAIL PROTECTED]');
> }
> 1;
> # ---- CUT HERE ----
> And then make an alias "archive-bot" that just appends to a file.  For
> example, you might put this in /etc/mail/aliases:
>        archive-bot: /var/spool/mail-archive.mbox
> (Don't forget to run "newaliases")
> There.  That wasn't so painful, was it?

At risk of sounding really dumb here but:

That does look simple but what happens to the rest of 
/etc/mail/mimedefang-filter or do you mean that those four lines is

>> My perl is way too shakey to know how to do that withoug wreaking
>> major havic.
> This is becoming a common theme on the MIMEDefang list. :-(
> MIMEDefang is written for people WHO KNOW PERL!  That's the
> whole point of the program.

And silly me, I thought it was to take dangerous or spammious mail out
of circulation.

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